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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Southwark's JSNA

The Southwark JSNA has moved and can now be found at

All relevant documents have been transferred to the new website. If you have any questions, please email

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a process that identifies the health and wellbeing needs of Southwark's population to inform the commissioning and development of local services. A wide range of data is brought together in these webpages to help us better understand the needs of our population. The Key Facts section contains summary high level information on our population, for example population projections, deprivation, housing, employment and social care client groups. The detailed 'thematic' JSNA sections provide in-depth data and analyses. They cover: Children & Young People (birth - 5, 6 - 12, 13 - 18), Adults (eg older people, people with sensory impairment, people with learning disabilities), Health Behaviours (eg smoking, alcohol, sexual health)and Ill Health (eg heart disease, cancers, respiratory illness). Every year a number of themes are prioritised. As gaps or new priorities emerge, further work is undertaken. Frequently, there are requests for information 'by geography', and where analyses are available, they have been included in a separate section. We have also brought together GP level information and a final section of useful external weblinks.

The JSNA will inform the development of our Southwark Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This is a high level strategy that sets the vision for the NHS, social care and public health, and will be underpinned by detailed commissioning plans. A JSNA summary of the key health issues and implications for commissioning is available here.

The JSNA process in Southwark is led by a Joint Health and Local Authority Steering Group. Members include: Southwark Council - Adult Social Care, Children's Services, Planning, Regeneration and Neighbourhoods, Housing and Corporate Policy; and the local NHS - Public Health, Commissioners and GPs. Different topic areas are prioritised for refresh or new topic areas identifed for JSNA by our JSNA Steering Group and the Health & Wellbeing Board.

If you experience difficulties accessing these pages or if there are broken links, please let us know. Email us at
We also welcome your thoughts on taking forward the JSNA process. We look forward to hearing from you.

Date File Name Type
2011 Southwark JSNA Executive Summary

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