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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment


Estimates suggest that there were 116,295 households in Southwark in 2006, and project this to increase to around 136,058 by 2016. The average household size was 2.26 people, which is expected to fall. A large proportion of people in Southwark live in flats, which in 2001 accounted for over 74% of all the housing stock. This and the levels of social renting are among the highest in London. While there are a large number of council and housing association dwellings, there remains a shortage of affordable housing to meet identified need.

Housing tenure

Data from the 2001 Census shows that 31% of people in Southwark live in property they own, a considerably lower proportion than London (58%) and England (71%). The 54% of people living in Social Rented property is more than double that in London (26%) and England (18%). For further information click here.

Date File Name Type
2001 Housing Tenure - all

Living arrangements

Living arrangements in Southwark differ to those in London and England. 29% of adults in Southwark are married, this is 11% lower than London (40%) and 22% lower than England (51%). The proportion of those co-habiting, single - never married, single - separated, and single - divorced are higher than both London and England. For further information click here.

Date File Name Type
2001 Living arrangements

Living alone

The most recent Census shows there were 106,000 occupied dwellings in Southwark in 2001, 37.3% of which were occupied by one person only. This proportion is higher than London (34.7%) and England (30.1%) but not unusual within Inner London boroughs. For more information click here.

Date File Name Type
2001 Living alone


Southwark has a higher proportion (25%) of homes assessed as overcrowded (i.e. occupancy rating of -1 or less) than either London (17%) or England (7%). Southwark has more overcrowding than near neighbours Lambeth and Lewisham. Southwark also has a smaller proportion (20%) of housing stock in the least overcrowded category (i.e. occupancy rating +2 or more) than either London (33%) or England (49%). For further information click here.

Date File Name Type
2001 Overcrowding

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